Award Winning Jewellery | Established 1998

Woodland Jewellery Stand, small - pack of 5


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The prettiest way to store and display your jewellery! The Woodland Jewellery Stand features an array of hooks and holes from which to hang your jewellery, keeping it neat, tidy and looking gorgeous on your dressing table. Suitable for lightweight jewellery items and not just ones by Amanda (although we think they do look the best!)

All of the stands packaging has been purposfully designed to fit within the perameters of the Royal Mail's 'Large Letter' format, making the items the perfect gift to be sent to jewellery loving friends and family.

The top slots simply into the base and can be secured with glue for a more permanent fixing.

The stand comes in packs of 5 at £20 per pack (£4.00 each) RRP- £9.95

When assembled the stand measures H10 x W12 x D3cm - it is made from 4mm thick birch plywood.

The jewellery stand is a great way to display all your "Amanda Coleman Jewellery" but would also make a great gift and comes flat packed to make it easy to send.

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