Award Winning Jewellery | Established 1998

Best Sellers

To help you make your choices here are our top 20 best sellers from the last 12 months.

This list is across our wholesale and retail sales and is a mixture of items sold in terms of the highest quantities and the highest revenue.

A word of warning - do not just order the best sellers! think about the display, having a mixture of larger and smaller pieces helps to create a better display - it will be the smaller pieces that sell the most in quantity but the larger pieces help to sell the smaller pieces.

You know your customer and whether they are largely purchasing as gifts or for themselves and the style and price points they are comfortable with.

We have been wholesaling jewellery for 25 years now and have a good understanding of what sells. If you wish to dip into our expertise or need to chat anything through then call us on +44 1522 262548